The National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party notes with deep concern the serious drought situation in different parts of the country, more particularly in the states of Maharashtara, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Bundelkhand region in U.P. & M.P. which are severely hit by drought. The National Executive also notes with deep disappointment the indifference of the Central Government towards the sufferings of the people.
Drought has multiplier effects and it affects adversely different sectors of the economy. It results in food scarcity, fodder scarcity, water scarcity, reduced agricultural production and income, increased prices for food and other items, unemployment in agriculture and allied sectors leading to migration, default on agricultural loans, rural unrest etc.
Maharashtra is facing severe drought situation. Western Maharashtra and parts of Marathwada and Vidharba regions have been severely affected. The State Government has declared drought in 15 districts (209 talukas) and 6201 villages for Kharif and 1552 villages of Rabi crops.
The affected area under Kharif crops is 20.40 lakh Ha with 14, 62,931 farmers being affected whereas the affected area under Rabi Crop production amounts to 10.77 lakh Ha with 804057 farmers being affected.
There is substantial reduction in the water levels of irrigation projects as well as ground water levels. In 23 talukas, the ground water levels have come down by 1-2 mtrs, in 9 talukas between 2-3 mtrs while in 6 talukas the decline of groundwater level is above 3 mtrs. Drinking water is being supplied through tankers.
There is substantial reduction in production of foodgrains, oilseeds, cotton & Sugarcane. Cereals are expected to face a decline in production by 5%, pulses by 22% and food grains by 5%. The expected productivity of rabi - jowar too will be reduced by 11 and 26 % as compared to normal and last year respectively. There is a severe shortage of fodder for livestock.
Horticulture in 13 districts is affected by drought where a total area of 109527 lakh Ha under fruit crop production of Pomegranate, Grapes, Mangoes, Oranges, Sweet Lime etc is affected. Due to inadequate rainfall, there is severe reduction in yield.
Keeping in view the current drought situation in Maharashtra, the State Government has requested the Centre to provide a total assistance of Rs. 2281.37 crores and 5 lakh MTs of food grains at BPL rates to the State at the earliest.
Even though a Central team has visited the State and assessed the situation, central assistance has not been granted yet.
70% of Karnataka i.e., 123 out of 176 taluks have been declared drought affected. There is water scarcity and fodder scarcity. Rain fall for the last quarter is the lowest since 1970.
Both Kharif and Rabi crops failed. Total crop loss is estimated at 5953 crores. Scanty rainfall, dry spell and moisture stress not only affected Kharif but also Rabi crops severely in the interior parts of the State. Ground water has been depleting day-by-day. Most of the bore wells have dried up. Only 5 out of every 100 bore-wells are functional.
In some areas ground water level availability is 1250 feet deep. The under ground water has hit all time low and yielding non-potable water. High levels of fluoride and arsenic material is creating health problems.
Drinking water problem is very acute in 4853 villages. State Government is supplying drinking water by tankers to hundreds of affected villages. Out of 3475 Minor Irrigation tanks, 1242 tanks have dried up completely.
State Government has spent 562.55 crores so far to mitigate drought. For drought relief measures, State Government sought, in the first place, Central assistance of 2605.99 crores and later submitted a memorandum for 5953 crores. Centre has cleared 186.68 crores and released only 70.23 crores so far. It is deplorable that the Centre has not even released the balance amount Rs.116.45 crores at the first instance.
The drought is so severe that the State alone cannot, without the assistance from the Centre, deal with the unprecedented situation. The State Government sought an interim relief of Rs.1500 crores which has not been given so far. The state has also sought allotment of additional food grains of 3,00,000 MTs of rice and 57,000 MTs of wheat for distribution to the BPL card holders.
The Central team is now going to visit the State when the monsoon is fast approaching. It demonstrates the callous attitude of the Centre.
Andhra Pradesh
The entire State of Andhra Pradesh is affected by the drought. 876 Mandals in 22 districts have been declared as drought affected. An area of 34.24 lakh hectares (29.75 lakh belonging to small and marginal farmers and 4.49 lakh hectares belonging to other farmers) was damaged. 49,31,701 small and marginal farmers and 3,06,259 other farmers were affected.
30,98,560 MTs of agriculture produce is lost. Its value is estimated at 5747 crores. Crop loans are not rescheduled. Farmers are demanding 10,000 per acre as input subsidy. Even the old age pensions in the affected areas are not being given properly.
An aggregate amount of Rs.3,006 crore was sought from the Union Government as Central Assistance from the NDRF. The Government of India has approved central assistance of Rs.706.15 crores out of which a sum of Rs.385.78 crore was released and the remaining amount was adjusted against SDRF account of the State.
The government of Andhra Pradesh promised input subsidy of 1860 crores in the month of December, 2011. So far that amount has not been released. Farmers who suffered loss during 2010-11 rabi seasons have not received compensation. Even the Rabi crop size has gone down by 10%.
The BJP observes with great concern that the Union Government’s response to the serious problem of drought is very casual and callous. There is inordinate delay in deputing the Central Teams to visit the affected areas in different states and then the Government does not act timely on the recommendations of the Teams. The rainy season in many parts of the country is about to start and there is no use in sending the teams very late. This shows the indifferent and insensitive attitude of the Union Government towards the sufferings of the people. This resolution was introduced by Ex-National President Shri M. Venkaiha Naidu and supported by State President of Maharashtra, Andhra and Karnataka.
The BJP demands that –
- The Union Government must immediately constitute a Group of Ministers for taking stock of the drought situation in the country, more particularly the three states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and to take appropriate policy decisions speedily for dealing with the situation.
- An interim assistance of Rs. 1500 crores to each of these states, and 500 crore relief to the Bundelkhand region in U.P. & M.P. must be provided at the earliest possible. Also, the Centre must release 5 lakh MTs of food grains free of cost to each of these states so that those could be distributed to the affected people. This can be done without any difficulty as there are surplus stocks with the Union Governemnt and there is no space to store them.
- A special package is given to the affected States for undertaking cement check dams, earthen bunds and micro water harvesting structures which could be completed this summer itself. This will help replete the water table and mitigate the drinking water scarcity and provide protective irrigation to the coming Kharif crop.
- Fodder banks are established and fodder be made available to these states from the neighbouring states on war footing basis by providing free rail transport so as to take care of the falling cattle.
- Roof top water harvesting should be made compulsory. Rejuvenation of bore wells, tube wells should also be made compulsory and that stress must be given on farm ponds.
- Public Distribution System must be strengthened.
- Free food grains are provided to BPL families till rainy season.
- Crop loans must be rescheduled with waiver of interest.
- Input subsidy of Rs.6000 per acre must be released immediately for the crops lost.
MNREGA Scheme should be extended to the agriculture labourer also in drought affected states.
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